Preparation for a sporting event

Specializing in nutritherapy and hypnotherapy, Agnès Cardella welcomes you for consultations as part of your preparation for a sporting event in Mons or Knokke. The different approaches used allow athletes to increase their physical performance as well as their concentration and self-confidence.

Preparation for a sporting event with PTR hypnosis and nutritherapy

  • Increase concentration
  • Optimize physical performance
  • Increase self-confidence
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Prepare yourself for a sporting event with PTR hypnosis and nutritherapy

With extensive experience in the medical field, certified hypnotherapist and nutritherapist, Agnès Cardella combines strategic-PTR conversational hypnosis with personalized adaptation of diet and supplements to support athletes in their physical preparation.

These different approaches make a positive contribution to prepare for sporting events and have several benefits:

  • Increase concentration
  • Increase physical performance: Agnès Cardella offers you a tailor-made nutritional program beneficial for the metabolism
  • Increase self-confidence: PTR hypnosis allows athletes to overcome past failures which are sometimes heavy to bear

Thanks to her expertise in hypnotherapy and nutritherapy, Agnès Cardella guides you to achieve your sports goals.

Would you like to benefit from a preparation for a sporting event with PTR hypnosis and nutritherapy in Mons and Knokke?

You can contact Agnès Cardella by telephone or via the online form.

Professional experience in a hospital environment

Innovative techniques

Protocol tailored to each patient

CERDEN, IMEP and French School of Magnetism certified

A unique experience

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