
Specialist in hypnotherapy and nutritherapy, Agnès Cardella can see you for nutritherapy consultations in Mons or Knokke.  This approach makes it possible to take care of your health and work on metabolic deficiencies using food and supplementation.

Nutritherapy consultations

  • Take care of your health
  • Work on metabolic deficiencies
  • Adjust and optimize food
Request an appointment

What is nutritherapy?

Nutritherapy was created over 35 years ago in the United States.  Its objective is to take care of your health and work on metabolic deficiencies via food and complementation.  This makes it possible to delay the effects of aging, but also to prevent and treat diseases.

Nutritherapy acts on three levels:

  • Optimization of food to maintain good health
  • An adjustment of the food and supplementation for certain categories of people such as pregnant women, the elderly, athletes, etc.
  • Adaptation of food and supplementation in the treatment of pathological disorders

Nutritherapy to treat or preserve your health

Trained in CERDEN, Agnès Cardella offers nutritherapy consultations that can be completed with hypnotherapy.  This approach can be used in serval types of cases:

  • Serious illnesses such as cancers or neurodegenerative diseases 
  • Chronic diseases such as endometriosis, fibromyalgia, digestive or autoimmune diseases 
  • Depression
  • Burn out
  • Emotion management
  • Preparation for sporting events
  • Weight loss

Would you like to program a nutritherapy consultation with Agnès Cardella in Mons or Knokke?

You can contact her by phone or via the online form.  

Professional experience in a hospital environment

Innovative techniques

Protocol tailored to each patient

CERDEN, IMEP and French School of Magnetism certified

A unique experience

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